WING Improvement - AVERAGING delay taps
It would be really nice if you guys implemented an averager wherever tap tempo is implemented. I' don’t think I’ve used any other consoles that don’t average your taps to hone in pretty precisely on an accurate tempo for delays. Usually they’ll work with 2 taps, but as you keep tapping, it’ll average the last ?? number of taps until you’ve stopped tapping for a couple seconds. These always lead to very repeatable results for me within a few ms.
The way your implementation works, when you put a delay tap on a custom control button, you get exactly the gap between the last 2 taps. If I’m setting a whole-note delay on slower songs I may see it varying by >100ms. This feels pretty jumpy and leads to a much less repeatable result. (Probably I’m the one that’s jumpy, having had several too many coffees and not enough sleep, but nonetheless, I think it would be a valuable improvement.)
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