
Multitrack recording to USB-SSD

As of today, only option is either via USB-Audio (I personally dislike as you always need a laptop or something). The second option is to use a SD-Card (officially limited at least to 32GB) and then after the gig I should hold&grab the SD-Card from the back of the Wing-Rack which is mounted inside a rack (where I usually don’t want get my fingers once the device is in a closed rack. So imho this can be also done better through e.g. recording straight to a USB-SSD also (like the X32-uTrack card did). Unfortunately they are not on the market anymore. But that was definitely a better solution than this annoying solution with the SD-Card… And btw. Ui24 even can multitrack-record in flac-compressed format! I didn’t see any other device which made this possible and saving space on the USB disk.

Can you please enable this also on the Wing-Rack? Then it might be the perfect device for me. But I still see this as a big limitation as someone who relies very heavily on such functionalities…