
Linking Channels That Aren't Even Numbers!? Having Faders Track With Each Other No Matter Level

This applies to the X32 as well. Can we get the ability to link 2 channels that aren’t “1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6”. We should be able to link “2 and 3” or “10 and 11”. Basically being able to link channels that aren’t in intervals of 2 starting at 1.

Additionally, a simple fader tracking button would be useful. For example, you have a snare top and bottom but your fader levels are offset. However, you would want those two faders to track with each other even though they are at different levels. So basically a fader reflect or a fader link rather than a full on channel link. This could also be done software wise (little more complicated), but you could have a “Combine Channels” button where you could select a string of channels and “bus” or “combine” them into a singular added channel fader (on the screen) that would show on software but not register as another channel, so it wouldn’t take up anymore DSP. It would almost act as a DCA, but it would allow you to “Combine” two snare mics or two kick mics without having to use a whole DCA (which would be for the whole kit). Just another point of control.

NOTE: The two features mentioned in the second paragraph essentially do the same thing, so either one would work. It would be which one takes up less DSP/wouldn’t be too hard to add to the software.