
Drag Drop for Routing page

I have the instruments organized in the sequence as used on the stage and/or depending on the used stageboxes.

Like in this example I want that the Wood Whistle is moved from input A2 in between the “E-Bass” and the “Sax Bariton”, so that it becomes the LCL6 input and all the following inputs are shifted one input up.

Sax Bariton is moved from LCL6 to LCL7
Sax Tenor is moved from LCL7 to LCL8

Cow Bell fills the Input the “Wood Whistle” had before the Drag/Drop which is A1

and from now on all following inputs stay the same …

Steir Harmonica stays A2,
E-Gitarre stays A3
and so on.

A Drag/Drop would be very helpful.